May 1, 2015
May the 4th is just around the corner so those of us at Fathergamer Productions desided to re-release last years Star Wars Special 2014 episode before recording a new one this year.
So lets talk Star Wars!
this episode we talk about what makes Star Wars special to us, as
well as what we hope the future brings to the force.
This weeks cast is great mix of Star Wars geeks, nerds and pop culture scholars.
Justin Korthof has a fantastic podcast that puts a red hot spotlight on the nerdtastic summer of 2015. Please check it out HERE.
Seth Webber also has a very funny podcast that follows the crazy life of his friend Freeland. Find it HERE.
Jason the X can be found with his fellow SCNS:Live cast and crew HERE almost every Thursday at 8pm central. Also check out his toy reviews HERE.
Jordan Maison is the heart-and-soul of Cinelinx. When he's not acting as our Editor-in-Chief, you can find his very funny web comic HERE.
Mike Petty is one of two Producers of the Fathergamer Podcast, co-founder of Fathergamer Productions, a hardware support geek, artist and a writer for Cinelinx to boot. You can check out his Facebook page HERE and his deviantART page HERE.