Dec 17, 2015
This is just a little bit of fun to get you ready for The Force Awakens.
Please go to for all your Star Wars awesomeness.
Sep 15, 2015
In this all new episode of TFGP we talk a little more about Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. Eric gets his Toy to Life on with Disney Infinity 3.0. It’s a lovely day for Kyle as he breaks down his time in the wasteland with Mad Max.
We also discuss the latest gaming and fandom news, and add a healthy dose of WTF...
Sep 7, 2015
In this new episode of TFGP we discuss our love of the recent PS+ freebies, Grow Home and Super Time Force Ultra. Eric breaks down why Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is freaking awesome.
Eric also talks about his adventures during the recent Star Wars Force Friday.
We finish things off with some Rick and Morty...
Aug 29, 2015
In this spectacular new episode of TFGP, the cast breaks down some of the latest gaming and geek news.
Eric and Kyle discuss their time with the Black Ops 3 beta.
Eric shows off his extensive knowledge of the game of football and talks about his time with Madden 16.
Ransom and Katy try to convince the rest of the group...
Aug 24, 2015
In this brand spanking new episode of TFGP, we discuss the latest gaming news. We also talk about our time with Fallout Shelter. Eric tells tales of his time in Gotham City with the Batman: Arkham Knight DLC. He also breaks down his time with Toy Soldiers: War Chest. We also have a very disturbing selection of WTF...