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TFGP IS MORE THAN JUST A PODCAST! It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in the cracks between.


Sep 15, 2015

In this all new episode of TFGP we talk a little more about Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. Eric gets his Toy to Life on with Disney Infinity 3.0. It’s a lovely day for Kyle as he breaks down his time in the wasteland with Mad Max.

We also discuss the latest gaming and fandom news, and add a healthy dose of WTF...

Sep 7, 2015

In this new episode of TFGP we discuss our love of the recent PS+ freebies, Grow Home and Super Time Force Ultra. Eric breaks down why Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is freaking awesome.

Eric also talks about his adventures during the recent Star Wars Force Friday.

We finish things off with some Rick and Morty...