Feb 17, 2016
Welcome to the first episode of The Fathergamer Interviews.
Don’t worry, TFGP isn’t going anywhere.
You can still get your weekly fill of fandom and fart jokes at Cinelinx
But I felt the need to expand a bit and create a little place in the growing Fathergamer Productions lineup where I can interview some...
Feb 12, 2016
In this all-new episode of TFGP we discuss Eric, Ransom and Kyle’s recent Youtube Stream of Rainbow Six: Seige.
Katy swims deep in the world of Indie Games .
Eric talks about his time with Telltale Game’s Game of Thrones and Minecraft: Story Mode. Come inside to listen.
Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, the...
Feb 8, 2016
A very big thanks to Clockwork in College Station Texas for hosting us.
Cast: Eric and Kyle
In this episode we discuss everything from penis tuxedos to Eric's recent Telltale Games binging. Eric also breaks down the recent physical release of Life is Strange.
Thanks for the listen !