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TFGP IS MORE THAN JUST A PODCAST! It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in the cracks between.


Sep 7, 2015

In this new episode of TFGP we discuss our love of the recent PS+ freebies, Grow Home and Super Time Force Ultra. Eric breaks down why Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is freaking awesome.

Eric also talks about his adventures during the recent Star Wars Force Friday.

We finish things off with some Rick and Morty talk and an escaped King Cobra in Florida.




A very big thank you to Clockwork in College Station Texas for hosting us. 


Cast: Eric, Austin, Katy, Matt, and Mike



Thanks for listening, and be sure to add your thoughts to this episode's topics using the comment section. If you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to us on iTunes, to make sure you get all the latest  episodes and can listen on the go. Until next time! -TFGP